A few days ago, while viewing some of my brand new friends blog, i was attracted to one article that he post. Its something to do with the music subject which the Ministry of Education in Malaysia wants to reshuffle the time table by reducing the music class period. Regarding this matter, somehow, i felt a little blue for the next generations, our children today. They claim that the purpose is to gain a few extra periods for another subjects. Well, maybe that was just another excuse to gain the votes i think. Politics always play dirty tricks to the people.Well, enough said. Back to the issue here, music in child development.
Have you heard about the multiple intelligence theory?
Developed and popular by Howard Gardner, he was the rocket scientist who comes up with this theory. i don't have to re-explain the theory here because that is something to do with the Google search, and for you take some time to hit the keyboard to surf more about it, in the case you do had a high curiosity about him.um, i think his married man, tho. What i am going to say here is just some brief of the theory. The real basic concept in this theory is that each human comes with a different abilities. Maybe we cannot kick the ball as good as David Beckham, or composing a song or poem like William Shakespeare did, but we do had abilities. Multiple intelligence by Howard Gardner consist of 8 different intelligence known to human and one of it is something to do with my post today, namely, musical intelligence. Musical Intelligence involves skill in the performance, composition, and appreciation of musical patterns. It encompasses the capacity to recognize and compose musical pitches, tones, and rhythms. According to Howard Gardner musical intelligence runs in an almost structural parallel to linguistic intelligence.(extract from http://www.infed.org/thinkers/gardner.htm)
In early child development, its a way to reach the kids effectively. Sing along with the other kids in preschool, i bet u just don't wanna miss the fun. You can see the joy and how happy the kids mingling around doing the actions in the song.Priceless moment i can say. Without realizing it, we had contribute in promoting harmony and peace in a bigger picture. I believe that all of us, if not often, once was ever touch with a song until you can cry, or merely laugh out loud because of it. This is the hidden yet very powerful instrument in our life. You'll get to know and learn about emotions because of music.
So, to those people who decide to think that music is just another piece of score sheet, think beyond.
nice posting.......now iknow it more about smting new.......
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